Hi, I’m James. I’m a full stack web developer based in the UK. My adventure as a Web Developer started when I was in High School. I had started by learning about creating the frontend of applications and eventually diving into the backend. Having over 7 years of experience I'm working with clients to create full stack applications to make clients more money or to automate and simplify working routines. Day to day I use a variety of PHP and JavaScript frameworks. I'm a very ambitious developer who loves a challenge.
I'm a huge fan of PHP, especially the Laravel framework, you'll see this throughout my blog posts. I find Laravel to be the most productive framework in any developer ecosystem right now. Apart from PHP I dabble around using Go, Rust, and C. I've worked professionally as a developer since 2014, starting with WordPress and Shopify, and now enjoying Laravel and Vue, especially when combining them with Inertia.
Away from development, I enjoy playing and watching many sports, i'm especially a big fan of football and F1. I also enjoy playing games, I have been playing the Battlefield series since Battlefield 2, this was the very first game I ever remember seeing having multiplayer capabilities.